

爱情诗歌 时间:2022-11-22


  The Most Undeniable Application for Leave


  “I almost forget what my husband looks like and I want to have a look.” “快忘了老公长啥样了,我想去看看。”

  The official micro-blog of China Communications News released an application for leave on Oct. 26, which stated the sentence mentioned above. The micro-blog also indicated that staff of construction projects (who spend years working outside home and are bantered as Plaid Shirts and Engineering Dogs) are rather back-busting and bitter in heart, especially those forefront couples of two different construction projects for years.


  According to the application, the lady asked for ten days’ leave from Oct. 18 to Oct. 27, travelling from Jinan to Lhasa by way of Xi’an. 请假条上的信息显示,当事人从10月18日至27日共请了10天假,要从济南途经西安去拉萨。

  On the afternoon of Oct. 27, Ms. Fang, author of the application, told the Paper that she was 29 and worked in different places with her husband. They have been married for several years. “I went home on leave earlier this year, but accidently failed to meet my husband. Therefore I asked for leave to visit him specially. ”


  This note was immediately regarded as “the most un-deniable application for leave” and aroused general resonance of couples who worked in separated places.


