

英语 时间:2024-03-26


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  1. 商务英语公函的体裁分析 许菊 文献来自: 西安外国语学院学报 2004 年 第01期 CAJ下载 PDF下载 商务英语公函的体裁分析@许菊$中南民族大学外语学院!湖北武汉430074商务英语公函; ... 商务英语写作.北京:高等教育出版社,2001.湖北省教育厅项目《高等职业教育商务英语课程设置和教学改革》系列论文之?... 被引用次数: 6 文献引用-相似文献-同类文献

  2. 商务英语典型礼貌语言机制初探 汤军 文献来自: 外语教学 1998 年 第04期 CAJ下载 PDF下载 在商务英语中,恰当使用模糊限制语可以表达礼貌之辞。


  程度模糊限制语指表示话 ... 被引用次数: 14 文献引用-相似文献-同类文献

  3. 商务英语中某些误译 倪士荣 文献来自: 中国科技翻译 1998 年 第03期 CAJ下载 PDF下载 作为对外经济交流的重要手段——商务英语,其作用也就日见重要了。



  其实,在许多情况下, ... 被引用次数: 5 文献引用-相似文献-同类文献

  4. 对国际商务英语学科发展的探讨 王兴孙 文献来自: 国际商务研究 1997 年 第01期 CAJ下载 PDF下载 为了加强国际商务英语学科的建设,首先要给国际商务英语以正确的定位。

  究竟有没有商务英语或国际商务英语 ... 学习原版教材、读物并不能完全代替商务英语教学。

  商务英语既然是专门用途英语的一种,它就从《国际商务研究》199 7 年第1期属于英语语言


  Hero is the eternal topic of human in history. Every culture has its own definition of hero, which exists in different characteristics of hero in movies. Hero represents special culture and the development of a society. And heroic image results in movies, which reflects history, cultural pursuit and humanity.

  However, the definition of heroic image has great difference in culture. In this paper, through analysis of the details in movie, Kung Fu Panda .

  The similarities and differences of heroic image in both Chinese and American movies will be discussed in details. Both different histories and different cultures will also be explored in details.

  Key words: Kung Fu Panda; comparison; heroic image; movies





  There is a chance to learn America culture from watching English movies. After watching the movies, It is amazed discovered that heroes in American movies are apparently different from those in Chinese movies. This is due to the different definitions of heroes in the two cultures.

  It is well known that Hero is the eternal topic in the history. Every culture has its own definition of hero, which results in different characteristics of heroes in its movie. The definition of its differs with cultures and histories.

  People has some same pursuance all over the world. Thus there are some similarities between Chinese and American heroes, but also have huge differences. While the heroic images in both China and the US have some similarities, they also have great differences because of different cultural backgrounds.

  Essence of heroes is that when people are faced with difficulties , they tend to produce positive willingness to break through and fight against evil things. Heroic images push forward the development of society and help improve main trend nowadays.

  Heroic images are fundamental and abundant source of force which will push continuously the historic progress, social development,and abundance of humanity. It is a kind of reflection about specific cultural pursuit .To a certain extent, it influences the development of human society.

  关键词:A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Heroic Images —A Case Study of the Film Kung Fu Pand

